Previous VETO champions

Teams that have won VETO in a previous year are entitled automatically to participate in this year’s tournament without any review. Other teams send a couple of their old packets to the VETO Invitation Committee, which looks over the packets and provides feedback on them and decides whether the team will supply questions this year. Every team that has won VETO in a previous year is entitled to one member on the VETO Invitation Committee.

Here are previous years’ winners in Vancouver, with the number of tossup points scored by each player (from CAQL results):
1999, FARSIDE: Peter 610
2000, FARSIDE: Peter 560, Tara 45
2001, FARSIDE: Peter 830
2002, SFU Junta: Carlos 270, Mike 185, Hanson 180, Sarah 170
2003, B2B: Bruce 335, Brock 290, Victoria 65, Meghan 10
2004, UBC: Fred 330, Luka 320, Mike 140, James 50
2005, UBC A: Fred 335, Luka 240, Zarya 185
2006, UBC Pseudo: Brendan 370, Daniel 200, Angus 110, Richard 0

And in Ontario (Waterloo in 2000, London in 2001, Toronto in 2003 on):
2000, Conglomerate: Victor 550, Tim 70, Mike 45
2001, UWO B: Matt 340, Zhan 190, Alt 160
2003, Rico’s Roughnecks: Eric 705, Dave 25, Richie 10, Mike 50, Rico 40
2004, Rico’s Roughnecks: Eric 550, Ross 175, Rico 40
2005, Teddy Bears: Paul 250, Roger 170, Andy 140, Mark 100
2006, Toronto: Eric 265, Bobby 140, Jeff 50, Matto 50

If players from a previous VETO champion team are split up among more than one prospective team in 2007, then the auto-bid earned from the earlier year goes to the 2007 team whose members scored the highest total tossup points from that earlier year’s VETO champion team.

This can get a bit complicated if people change teams. Examples:

  • If Fred, Luka, and Brendan come to VETO this year and play on the same team, they will take a single auto-bid from winning 2004, 2005, and 2006, because together they got a majority of the winning team’s tossup points in all three of those years. Nobody else would get an auto-bid from those championships.
  • If in 2007 we have team A with Fred and Mike, team B with Luka and Zarya, and team C with Brendan on it, then all three of those teams will get auto-bids, because the members of team A got a majority of the winning team’s tossup points in 2004, as did team B in 2005, and team C in 2006.

In summary, this system is not like NAQT ICT bids. It doesn’t result in determinations like “UBC is entitled to three teams”. Instead, it takes players as individuals.

If high-scoring members of a winning team don’t return this year, the remaining members are still entitled to an auto-bid. For example, Brendan got more than half of his team’s points last year, but if he doesn’t return, Daniel’s team will get an auto-bid because Daniel got more than half of the 2006 UBC Pseudo team’s tossup points that were not earned by Brendan.

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